Occasionally, a snoozed email will continue to appear at the top of your inbox even after the snooze period has ended. This can be frustrating, but we have a solution for you which will stop snoozed emails from appearing at the top of your inbox.
In order to remove snoozed emails from the Inbox view, simply follow the steps below:
- In Mailbird, hold down CTRL and SHIFT and click on the Main Menu icon in the top left corner.
- Next, click the menu option called Open debug window.
- A new window should appear, and you must then click on the Query database tab.
- In the textbox which appears, please copy/paste the following command:
UPDATE Messages SET AwakenedSnoozeReadState = NULL WHERE AwakenedSnoozeReadState IS NOT NULL
- After you have pasted in the command, click on the Execute SQL button.
- In the results panel you will be shown the number of rows affected, which should be the same as the number of orange dots which appeared previously in your Inbox.
- Now close Mailbird completely by clicking on the menu icon in the top left corner of Mailbird, and select Quit Mailbird.
- Restart Mailbird again, and the problem should now be resolved.
Hopefully you have found this article useful, but if you still require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Happiness Team by clicking here.