Lost / forgotten license key
Installation and Licensing Issues
Adding or Importing Account
Unable to sign into Google's app in Mailbird
Authentication Failed - Unable to add email account
An error occurred authorizing Mailbird to access a Microsoft email account.
AOL / Yahoo possible authentication issue
Gmail authorizing issue when adding the account to Mailbird
Yahoo - Incorrect username or password
Issues Sending or Receiving Emails
How to prevent Windows 10 Defender from blocking Mailbird
Emails fail to send / Sending error/ Emails stay in drafts
"User is authenticated but not connected" issue with Outlook accounts
Loading is taking longer than usual - error message
Too many simultaneous connections
Message blocked due to spam content in the message
Display Issues
General and Misc
How to check whether you have an IMAP or POP3 email account
Mailbird freezes or hangs
Contacts are incorrectly added to the Mailbird Contacts list
How to repair Mailbird
My deleted email suddenly reappear in my inbox
Database version mismatch error